The mission of the TEX-21 IH-30 Corridor Task Force is to provide all Corridor stakeholders with the appropriate tools and avenues to improve, sustain, and further its viability as a preeminent national corridor.
The TEX-21 IH-30 Corridor Task Force will bring together key stakeholders along the entire IH-30 Corridor in Texas and Arkansas tasked with the creation of a focus on reinvigorating and greatly enhancing the commerce of transportation along one of the most vibrant and fastest-growing transportation Corridors in the country. In addition, TEX-21 will seek to educate and communicate the needs of the IH-30 corridor at all levels.
The members of the TEX-21 IH-30 Corridor Task Force will pursue policies and infrastructure improvements along the Corridor that will better enable the safe, fast, and efficient movement of goods to and along the Corridor, thereby enhancing ongoing efforts to attract and retain world-class corporate residents to this growing region. By fostering and encouraging an informed and energized effort at the federal and state levels focused on the importance and potential of the IH-30 Corridor, the Corridor will be positioned to better provide for the mobility needs of the region’s corporate and residential citizens.
The TEX-21 IH-30 Corridor Task Force will better position its members to obtain a greater percentage of all available resources at the federal and state levels for the improvement of Interstate 30.
Through a coordinated effort of all stakeholders the Task Force will identify and maximize available transportation assets by undertaking the Task Force strategies such as a comprehensive survey of the entire IH-30 Corridor and creating a complete inventory of mobility resources.
TEX-21 will identify ways by which the IH-30 corridor will not only attract further funding but have increased national visibility.